Staghorn Sumac Cranberry Relish
I have been slowly doing my cooking this week which has made for a relaxing slide into the holiday season. I decided yesterday to make the cranberry relish with the sumac I had gathered from the field. The flavor is amazing! For those who don’t know what sumac tastes like you will be surprised at the tangy flavor. I still added some orange zest but I omitted any lemon or orange juice and opted for a strongly brewed sumac tea and then sumac powder. I made the sumac powder by grinding the berries called, drupes in my mortar and pestle and then sifting the seeds out using a mesh strainer. I made the mistake of consuming all my maple syrup, my nest batch will be! This dish can easily be a dish right from the woods of Northern Michigan. My only complaint so far about sumac is I didn’t gather nearly enough!! There is a blog post about sumac that I did a few weeks ago.