June 25th to July 1
Well this week was really busy and I took a lot of photos. The yard is getting to the jungle look. Just wait though! LOL
The peppers are really taking their time with the cold nights.
I have purposely let this mullein grow so I could harvest leaves and flowers for medicinal uses.
Guys! I have wanted one of these for years. I know its old and worn but I love it anyway. It is HUGE and HEAVY!
We shook the mulberry tree and we got about three gallons to freeze for smoothies and jam.
Can you say mushrooms? I hope these produce well for us next year.
The apples are looking good, we will see. I have had lots of issues with disease with this tree.
Day lillies.
I just had to take a picture of this perfect gluten free sourdough waffle.
The nasturtiums are blooming so I have been including them in my salads.
I was given my grandfathers office chair. I imagine all the work he did while sitting in it. He was a Michigan DNR officer for decades but retired once most of the work was office work. He loved working in the field.
I planted more lettuce, basil, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and more!
The air quality here has been rough for several weeks and we were having headaches, eye issues and breathing issues so I set up a few fans with filters on them. The blue one was to catch pet hair and the second one was a HEPA. It really helped with air quality.
A ripe blueberry!!! So yummy.
The even walks with the boys.